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Mridangam Class Online

Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced classes for mridangam

  • 30 minutes
  • Region-Based Fees
  • Online Session

Service Description

Learn to play the musical mridangam drums in a personalized and specially tailored class structure. Each student can learn on their own learning pace from some of most sought after mridangam artist performers. Study the mridangam in a formalized, organized and consistent approach through the time-tested and unique teaching methodology of Guru T.H. Subash Chandran. World renowned teacher, percussionist and composer, Sri. Subash Chandran has created an optimal set of lessons that form the building blocks for students of the arts to learn Indian percussion. We accept students who want to study in a formal Carnatic arts pedagogy as well as musicians from different genres who are interested in adding a new perspective to their respective artforms. The goal of this institution is to spread this beautiful art with a strong emphasis on music theory, practice and non-linear knowledge sharing. We now also conduct monthly workshops with renowned percussionists so students can better understand, appreciate and gain interactive access to the artistic journey. If you would like to sit-in on one of these future sessions, send us a note in the form below. Beginner Mridangam: Learn the fundamentals of mridangam playing techniques. Learn to play your first full taniavarthanam compositions in Adi Talam, Rupaka Talam, Misra Chapu Talam and Kanda Chapu Talam as well being introduced to Carnatic layam and music theory. Introductions to the thalams as well has how to keep time while reciting lessons. Intermediate Mridangam: Build on the fundamentals and learn longer compositions, techniques and strategies for playing. Students will start to understand a bit more about rhythms used for playing for songs as well as will work on technical skills of comprehending and absorbing Carnatic rhythms. Korvais and the use of rests will play a fundamental role in shaping the students abilities to improve their fundamentals. Students will be introduced to the concept of nadais - Chaturasram, Tisram, Kandam and Misram. Advanced Mridangam: The focus in this phase will start to shift more on song accompaniment and listening exercises. Students will be introduced to the types of compositions in Carnatic music and will learn to develop an intuition on how to accompany such songs. Simultaneously, a strong focus on specialized sollus will be introduced. Techniques special to the Thanjavur tradition of mridangam playing as well as the rare sollu-based style of of Guru T.H. Subash Chandran.

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